Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Web 2.0 Tools for a College Classroom

I am in the process of designing a program for a SIG, I called it WOW (Wonders Of Web), at my college to introduce and experiment with web 2.0 tools. There are so many Web 2.0 tools that you cannot be current with them. I decided to start small. Sharing one at a time. is an Aggregating tool -- an easy way to compile a selection of videos for a class, group, or a network whether the instructor, facilitator or a leader chooses them or participants contribute them. It has an RSS feed and tag search, so it’s easy to change the way you receive and organize the videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Google video, etc.

in reference to: Magma (view on Google Sidewiki)

1 comment:

Ms. P. said...

Thank you for this site! I have never heard Magma before your posting, but I am a big fan of aggregators...anything that will help me organize my life & my classes. I teach a course that focuses on practical applications of Web 2.0 tools for high school students. I will be using Magma & suggesting it to my students.