Monday, April 2, 2018

Want to Become a ThingLink Certified Educator? Roll up your Sleeves!

I have been using ThingLink for quite a while. I enjoy the idea behind the program: it engages diverse digital literacies and encourages creative thinking. With the 3D element, it becomes even more attractive to students as they are provided with Augmented Reality experience.
Much depends on how a teacher uses the program: in a traditional way selecting an image and adding the information to the icons, tags. OR a teacher creates a learning adventure, leading students' learning from task to task, encouraging creating thought, and calls for action.

Below are a few impressive ThingLink projects created by ThingLink certified educators from all over the country on diverse topics and for different subject areas. 
My project is one of them. Now it is on slide 4, a week or so ago it was on Slide one. The Community grows!
ThingLink Spotlight Speakers Published - Google Slides:
'via Blog this'
I became a Certified ThingLink educator. Here is my badge:

Monday, February 12, 2018


Everybody knows about STEM science programs. Recently the new acronym appeared and became popular among science teachers, S.T.E.A.M - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics! The art component is wisely integrated into this event because of the budget cuts and as a result of that students' creativity is neglected!

Mount Saint Mary College will be hosting a STEAM program on March 17th thanks to the efforts and resources of the CARD Center under the leadership of Dr. Fran Spielhagen, who shares sponsorship of the event with the KDP chapter.  My science methods classes will join the program. The organizing committee proposed a STEAM station template and invited teacher candidates to submit proposals with 30-minute lessons. Ten (10) stations were approved for the event! Some of them will involve the use iPads, drones, 3D printer, and a few stations will do natural science projects and math! All of the stations will require creating final projects with the art component. I contacted Goshen LEGO LAND office and they promised to donate an architectural LEGO set as a prize! My colleague Dr. Sonya Abbye-Taylor contacted Mad Science Lab and they will do a presentation at the end of the STEAM Day.
No science without technology! Richard Byrne shared his ideas and findings for the STEAM events in his Free Technology for Teachers blog.

So glad I follow this Blog!

Richard Byrne posted a great blog about the science Journal App for a science classroom! He is describing five ways of how this app can make a classroom engaging and inspire students to learn science authentically! Thank you, Richard, for a thought-provoking post!!
Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Observations Students Can Record With Google's Science Journal App'via Blog this'